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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 10 Quiz 16

Week 10 Quiz 16

Q 1.Political leaders in the city of New York have mainly justified the decline in the quality of educational programs by stating: 2.The author discusses all the below except which when analyzing the discrepancies in funding and resources between schools in the poorest and wealthiest communities: 3.Some of the sociological forces that impact the school performance of low-income children include all the below except which? 4.Kozol argues that a long-term impact of the lack of investment in poor schools is that these children will lack the resources required to develop skills to overcome their current socio-economic status. 5.Kozol saw a correlation between what the education system invests in children and what they will contribute to society when they are adults.

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1. Shifting economic factors and budget crises across the decades require cutbacks in educational funding. 2. The schools built more recently get more funding based on the newer funding structure 3. A fair distribution of pre-school resources 4. True 5. True